Please make an appointment in order to be seen by Dr. Assi. For more information on how to make an appointment, please visit the APPOINTMENTS tab.
It is recommended that you arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your appointment time.
As an aid to us in providing you complete services and for your safety, at each appointment please bring a list of all your medications and doses that you are taking including prescriptions and over the counter medications. Also, please bring a list of your concerns to discuss with the doctor. Please bring your medications with you in their original bottles.
We make every effort to control the cost of our services. Therefore, we request payment at the time of your visit. You may pay by cash, check or credit card.
If you have health insurance, we are happy to assist you by filing your claim. We ask that you have a valid insurance identification card and your driver's license or valid photo identification in your posession at the time of your visit. You are responsible for your deductible and expected to pay any charges that Medicare or your insurance does not cover.
Commerical Insurance: We accept assignment benefits for all inpatient charges and we will bill your Insurance Company. You will be notified of any balance due after your insurance pays.
Medicare: Dr. Assi does accept assignment for all patient charges. This means that Medicare will pay us directly for 80% of their allowable charge. If you have supplemental insurance, we will bill them for the remaining 20% balance. Otherwise, you are responsible for the balance.
Payment arrangements: If payment in full is not possible, our Billing/Insurance Clerk will work out a payment plan with you.